Sunday, September 6, 2009

Cass is back!

At least for 2 weekends... and I've hijacked the blog! While Mom and Dad are playing in Switzerland I'll be keeping them updated via the blog :)

First off, having to get 3 extra bodies dressed and to church 2 hours earlier than I'm used to was quite the feat. (and no, Princess and I didn't go to church with pony tails! :D hers was curled, but I didn't get a pic before nap time...) Then we had a minor meltdown because the Sacrament meeting we walked into wasn't the right one, but I didn't know the difference! Come to find out, church didn't really start til 1, but by then we were down for naps! Me cooking dinner consisted of us going to my parents house where my mom had steak waiting, YUM! A few big discoveries were made...Princess and Sport ate some green beans and I had serious doubts that they would, Sport also liked the potatoes, and Master told me after we left that he thought they were ok, "they're not on the favorite list, but they still tasted alright" -direct quote! They all liked the "chicken" aka pork chops, just for future reference ;)

Then the fun started! It was my brother Chris' birthday today so my mom pulled out the silly string and poppers and it got a little messy as the pics show... My grandparents came over and we played around for a while and had cake and ice cream. It's about time to call it a night so we can get some rest because "Angie's taking us to the zoo tomorrow!"

Sport passed out during our movie night Saturday and Princess struck a pose for the camera

Master waking Princess up from her Sunday nap

Princess getting silly stringed...

...and Chris helping her string Angie

Master going after Chris with the string

Revenge for the stringing...Texas sized

Bubble time with Angie

Golf lessons with Angie

1 comment:

Melanie Bingham said...

So impressed!!! green beans! we havent had the internet. have fun at the zoo. thanks angie for dinner and the zoo!!!