Tuesday, October 22, 2013

New Addition

Coach Toone called a special parent's meeting one night after practice.  He talked to all of us how this team had come together.  He talked about leadership and how team Captains are usually picked far before a season begins.  Not a single player has the C designation.  Remy has attended every practice every game, and between every play walks up and down the sideline patting the boys on their helmets and their shoulder pads telling them "good job"  Remy loves football and he LOVES this team.  They gave him his own jersey with his name on it, and the rank of Captain.  I'm pretty sure there wasn't a dry eye in that parent's meeting; including my own.  Thanks Coach Toone.

Oldest and Youngest

Coin Toss

Never boring

We can no longer go to any store that has costumes.  I love Halloween but it kind of needs to be over.  There is no more budget for costumes!

Happy 13th

We officially have a teenager!! This is a super great kid so glad he is ours!

The Team

Halloween at Lagoon

Fall Break

Nana's Spooktacular Party


Semi Finals Victory

How SWEET it is 13-7 On to the Mini Bowl!

Team Captain and His Girl

Monday Monday

Therapy for Remy
Mask is still on  - 24 hours straight
Mask finally comes off.  Even super heroes need a break.


My normal support RaRa mode would be to make cookies double back the card and tie a bow on it.  In this case the coach said No.   SO instead I was duck-taping numbers on jerseys to learn the new plays.
Need serious work on my 2's they look like Z's


The Spyder makes carpooling WAY more fun!

Monday, September 30, 2013

Time Out

This was post surgery a couple of weeks ago. Remy wasn't cleared to go back to school yet so I had TWO little super heroes to hang out with everyday.


Scare me.  Found this one with an open bottle of Adult Tylenol.  I called Poison Control.  At his weight 7 would be toxic.  The kid will chomp anything, even though I didn't think he took anything....better safe than sorry.  Did a blood draw to determine toxicity. = He was fine.  Here is my $100 = peace of mind.


From naked to stuck.  This child is wild!

Sideline Chat

Love this pic!

Batman and the Salon

Got my hair done the other day and Batman decided to join me. It's Halloween Everyday!

Sunday Dress Code

Complete and TOTAL meltdown at church.  When I pulled out the church clothes I didn't put Iron Man underneath.  When he got to church and realized he didn't have a 'super' shirt on under the church shirt, he LOST IT!  Sometimes the battle isn't worth it.... ran home got the shirt and returned to church.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Where are your underwear????

Noah came home from school with his shorts on backwards. I know they were facing the right way when he went to school. Odd. I said " hey buddy lets turn your shorts around". I pulled down his shorts and to my surprise he didn't have underwear on?
The teacher would have said if he had an accident. I txt Miss Pennie and asked if something exciting happened at school today. Her response:

"Ya well...... We didn't realized till after the fact...... He was poopy and put his underpants in the toilet and came out just fine...... When we went in the afternoon there was a pair of mysterious underwear with three different colors of poopy on top of the underwear. Not one of the girls who went said a word. It was the 4th girl who freaked out. We didn't even know who the boys underwear belong to because only girls had gone......it was a crazy mystey! And I don't go in unless they call me or I know they always need help. So ya, I owe you a pair of underpants cuz we chucked them! Sorry! But he idn't get anything on the walls or toilet ......just his underpants. The whole time they could not figure out how three colors of poop were on the underwear when only two had gone before!!! Oh my!!!! AND the first little girl who went to the bathroom was Aubrey and they told her she shouldn't put her underwear in the toilet. She started crying cuz she doesn't wear boys underwear.....they had to call her mom to come get her. I was hysterical!!"

Seriously I think I owe Miss Pennie and little Aubrey BIG time!!!

Such a boy!

Noah: Mom can I go to football?
Me: Yes, why?
Noah: Cuz I just want to hit somebody!!

Sunday, September 15, 2013


First Day of Pre-School
Lucky for us Miss Pennie was prepared with Super Hero gear!

Practice makes perfect ?

At my house ?
They needed to go somewhere to watch film...and then run drills.

Utah Football

This kid LOVES football.  We bought red skinny jeans just for going to the games!