Sunday, January 24, 2010

A Sunday thought..

Today was ward conference. I personally think it's nice to hear from the Stake President but really it's just a normal Sunday. (Master was wondering since it was ward conference, if we could leave after sacrament and watch the rest on TV) Our Stake focus is on Temples. In the third hour President Taggart was encouraging us to attend the temple but also to work on our family history. I don't know about you, but geneology and family extraction work is just not in my season of things to do at the moment. He then said, "Even if you can just consistently keep a journal it will bless your family." WA-LA!! I am via this blog keeping a consistent family history. Ok he didn't mention blogger specifically but I'm pretty sure this counts. YES!!!!

1 comment:

Katherine said...

I agree totally!
My blog happens to be the longest, most complete journal I've kept since my care bear journal with the locking key (nearly 20 years ago).
Yea for all of us!