Tuesday, January 19, 2010

"Pound Sand"

This is one of my favorites, I think I picked it up in Jr. High. There are several others that go along with it;
"go fly a kite"
"take a hike"
"shove it"
"forget you"
...you get the idea. But do you say it to them or after them? We are counseled to 'watch our words' 'it doesn't help, it only hurts etc." I know my posts have been a bit random lately and I promise to get back to the good news stuff, however maybe it's the pregnancy hormones but twice in the last week I have desperately wanted to tell some people exactly what I think. Does it help? Does it hurt? Between a good friend and my friend/hair stylist (all hair stylist I think have a secondary degree as therapists). This was the combined advise.... "DON'T GO THERE, they (the people you're ticked at) are playing on a different play ground and it's one you don't want to play on or even visit because it's not any fun." I do recognize I could be totally in the wrong, on both accounts, however at the moment I've decided to not go there.


Steph said...

Good JOB on refraining! But I with ya on it does feel good some times to just get it out!!

Jenny H said...

It is usually better to refrain. Vent to people you trust, and if necessary confront the issue if it truly affects your health/safety...otherwise, there is no benefit.
The BEST counsel I ever recieved while going to grad school was, "You cannot ration with an irrational person."
Period. People who are saying/doing crazy things are usually not in a place where they can provide insight. They just will continue to externalize and blame others.
Now...in saying this...I'm definetly NOT saying I follow my own advice all the time. But, I really am trying. I have caused a lot of pain by fufilling my need to "confront" issues others have.