Laughing Out Loud! The latter half of this week I was in somewhat of a downer mood...ok Thursday evening I was pretty grumpy. Laughter usually gets me out of those moods. BIG THANKS to my hubby, my kids, and my friends that have a healthy sense of humor to keep me smiling. These pics are about a year old but they made me laugh. I realize the funny things my kids say are mostly funny to me but here are some from this week.
Pie: "Mommy I just love black sprite!"(as she reached for my Diet Coke)
Pie: (As she is walking from her room into the kitchen) "Mom Dad needs some meatballs."
Me, "Meatballs?"
"Ya meatballs for my closet"
" Why does Dad need meatballs in your closet"
"Just get him some meatballs"
It finally dawned on me she was talking about light bulbs
Pie: "Mommy I just love black sprite!"(as she reached for my Diet Coke)
Pie: (As she is walking from her room into the kitchen) "Mom Dad needs some meatballs."
Me, "Meatballs?"
"Ya meatballs for my closet"
" Why does Dad need meatballs in your closet"
"Just get him some meatballs"
It finally dawned on me she was talking about light bulbs
I could just squeeze those cheeks! So cute....I love that she loves black sprite! I hope you have a better week!
Love the wig. And isnt it great the way they say things they cant pronounce.
Ok so Savannah and I are laughing way out loud! So that would be LWOL!!! The wig is the greatest!!!!
Black sprit?!!! LOVE IT!!!!
How cute is Zozo! Love her!
I'm sorry you had a bummer week!
Isn't it funny how our kids tend to dump us in bummer moods and yet they are the only way our of them too?
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