Sunday, March 8, 2009

Simple Things I Love #9 - LOL & Meatballs

Laughing Out Loud! The latter half of this week I was in somewhat of a downer mood...ok Thursday evening I was pretty grumpy. Laughter usually gets me out of those moods. BIG THANKS to my hubby, my kids, and my friends that have a healthy sense of humor to keep me smiling. These pics are about a year old but they made me laugh. I realize the funny things my kids say are mostly funny to me but here are some from this week.
Pie: "Mommy I just love black sprite!"(as she reached for my Diet Coke)
Pie: (As she is walking from her room into the kitchen) "Mom Dad needs some meatballs."
Me, "Meatballs?"
"Ya meatballs for my closet"
" Why does Dad need meatballs in your closet"
"Just get him some meatballs"
It finally dawned on me she was talking about light bulbs


Jenny H said...

I could just squeeze those cheeks! So cute....I love that she loves black sprite! I hope you have a better week!

The White House said...

Love the wig. And isnt it great the way they say things they cant pronounce.

Steph said...

Ok so Savannah and I are laughing way out loud! So that would be LWOL!!! The wig is the greatest!!!!

Steph said...

Black sprit?!!! LOVE IT!!!!

Mark and Jana said...

How cute is Zozo! Love her!

Katherine said...

I'm sorry you had a bummer week!
Isn't it funny how our kids tend to dump us in bummer moods and yet they are the only way our of them too?