Monday, March 16, 2009

If I were to die tomorrow...and simple things #11

I run around and live my life with the basic assumption I have loads of time. I think I'll live to be a hundred and three. But what if I were to die tomorrow? I take for granted the fact that I get to start over the next day, that I get another shot, another opportunity to do it "right". What if you didn't get any more do-overs? My Vegas BFF and I were discussing this and she asked, "What would your little children remember about you?" Think about it. How many memories do you have of your mother before you were five? I often wondered why leaders of the church counseled us to keep journals. I think it was President Kimball that was big into "Do it right now" and journals. I have a smattering of journals from Jr high on, but there are huge gaps in them where I start out really well but never finish. (I don't think there is even a middle) I am guilty of doing the same thing for my kid's journals. Thus simple things I love #11......BLOGGING! I passed 100 posts a week ago and as for 'journal entries' this is record number for me. Big SHOUT-OUT to Vegas BFF for getting me started! Thank you! I am also committing to do a better job of putting myself with my kids in the photos or in front of the video camera. I've got lots of pictures of my kids, just not lots of me with my kids or my husband. To the rest of you bloggers out there; keep those posts coming! They inspire me to keep this up! If nothing else this, and face-book are great distractors when I really should be folding laundry and doing dishes!!!!


Katherine said...

I'm so glad you have been thinking on this since we talked, cause I have too!
In fact, on Saturday when we were out as a family, I handed the camera to my dear husband and said "get me with the kids!". Ha! I'm actually in a photo!
So glad you are blogging - for your sake and for your kids sake and (selfishly) for my sake.
Love ya!

Jenny H said...

I agree...that is why I also love blogging. I have captured so much of the daily emotions/stories, that I would've never sat down to write in a journal.
Glad you are blogging also:)

Lori Conger said...

I hope I don't sound morbid when I say I often think of "what if today was my last day with my kids?" It helps me keep perspective and put first things first (most of the time). My mom almost lost three of her five children in one day when I was younger, so I guess that taught me to not take any day for granted. And it reminds me that I wouldn't want my children to remember a crazy, screaming, nagging woman either:)As for blogging, I agree. I'm hoping it will help my children realize some day what a huge part of my life they've always been.