Friday, March 20, 2009

Happy Sad Hooray for Cass

Change is interesting. Sometimes I welcome it and other times I'm not sure I'm ready for it. This is our Cass and she has been accepted to WSU School of Nursing. WAHOO! She has worked so hard for this and she will be an outstanding, amazing nurse. We have loved everyone we have entrusted with the care of our children. We have had Jess and Cass the longest. They have been with us for the last 6 years. Jess moved on last fall as she welcomed her own baby into this world. (We miss her!) This fall Cass will move on to full time Nursing School. Seriously they forgot to ask me if they could go and get their own lives. AGGHH! I love these girls and I love the way they have loved my children. One day we were in the car and out of the blue PrincessPie asked where Cass was. I answered she was at school. Pie's reply was, "Mom Cass loves me" It doesn't get better than that.


only_human said...

Seriously, not making it any easier for me! you guys are like family and i wouldn't trade the last 6 years for anything. thank you thank you thank you for EVERYTHING! and don't give up on me yet, i don't have all the info on my class schedule yet but things could work to our advantage...

Jenny H said...

You know I feel you here. Cass is irreplacable! Hooray for Cass though; the nursing world is lucky to have her!!!

Steph said...


Lori Conger said...

What a blessing to have had such a sweet, trustworthy person taking care of your children for so long! Good luck to both of you.