Wednesday, August 13, 2008

There is not enough chocolate for this!

Being a mom is tough business some days and being a working mom is really tough business. I didn't have a nanny today, so I had to call my accounts from home. My kids did well entertaining themselves and then we attempted to leave for the pool when my mom (Nana) showed up to have me do some typing for her in her favorite font that is no longer a font in word. That woman is a perfectionist and there will never be a personal progress chart more beautiful than the one she creates.

The carpet didn't come today, but tomorrow. I think the mayhem is making me a little nutsy! I just want to slow down. The multi-tasking can get a bit much. Did I mention my husband is out of town so the working mom is acutually sinlge working mom, today and I had six kids becasue Matt's 3 kids were here as well. I'm not sure I was the nicest Aunt today.

Better today than yesterday and tommorrow will be better than today. I would credit that concept to Bishop Lee.

I will be the fun Aunt
I will have the organized house
I am slowing down the pace

and I need caller ID back in my life! gotta go!

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