Monday, April 12, 2010

Pondering Prayer

My lesson this coming Sunday is on Prayer. Here are some of the questions I've been pondering....Any thoughts, COMMENTS you have would be highly valued.

How do we tell the difference between our mind and heart's desires and answers to prayers?

What does it mean when the answer to a prayer does not have a positive outcome? Or the answer to that prayer led to a wrong decision?

How much time should you take in waiting/ listening for answer? Ten minutes of silently trying to listen is a long time. Heck 2 minutes is a long time. Sometimes I am guilty of leaving a voicemail prayer and figuring the Lord will get back to me on His schedule.

What does it mean when you don't get an answer? Not a stupor of thought. But times when there is not an answer to your specific question.

What if you and another person are praying for an answer to the same question and you get different answers?

How good are we at really listening?


Jenny H said...

I sooo relate to the voicemail prayer. Seems to be the story of my life.
I seem to expect grand flashing neon sign answers, and wonder why I never get them. To be honest, I'm not always sure I really understand how to recognize an answer. Something (among many others) I need to work on...

Kim said...

Just this Sunday our President remarked that she wondered if praying did any good, if Heavenly Father already has a "plan" for us. Then she read in the Bible dictionary (I think!) where it said that Heavenly Father is willing to give us certain blessings, but ONLY IF WE ASK! She related the story about Elder Maxwell when he got leukemia, and felt like he needed to submit to the Lord's will (death, perhaps.) His WIFE then said, "hey, we need to at least ASK if the Lord will prolong your life....) and they did, and He lived quite a bit longer (I'm sure you can find story details in his biography). I was relating this to the kids in FHE last night, and Andrew (my 10-year-old) said, "I guess it's like if I ask you for a cookie. You might not go around the house offering cookies to everyone, but if I come to you and ask, you're willing to give me one." Exactly. I loved his analogy. Your lesson will be great....the subject is great, the teacher is can you go wrong??? :)

Kelli said...

I too was going to teach this lesson but it's Ward Conference so I'm off the hook. Couple thoughts that keep coming to mind is thatI think prayers are often answered through other people and it's so important that we do things that are inviting of the spirit so that we are open to receive an answer...Anywho good luck! I'm sure you'll do great!
P.S.I so appreciate Jenny H's comments I think everyone has felt that way and Kim's analogy--so true. You have some smart friends!

Mama Jo said...

Dear Mel: 'Martha' finally told me the name of your blog and I 'checked you out'! Pretty darn cute. On prayer...yes, they are heard...all! My experience calls for invisioning the channels to heaven wide open (imagination helps)! I think it helps to ask the right questions; guess we should pray about what to ask too! Eventually, we get answers...but even 'voicemail' prayers are heard...always! Love your little family blog!

Hyde Family said...

uh... I m skipping yw on sunday so I can come and get answers! Sorry, I wouldn't be the one who has any for you!