Saturday, April 24, 2010

And the winner is...

The winner is none of the choices below. This is what happens when you take your husband shopping with you. He thought this was the 'coolest' of everything we saw. I have the bedding, now comes the tough part, pulling the knick nacks and the rest of the room together. If you see any great sail boats or toy beach cruisers give me a shout.


Bentleys said...

Cute!! I have a friend that found a cheap surf board and then put her sons name on it with vinyl lettering it was sooo cute!! They also have plastic hurricane glasses that look cool filled with sand and or sea shells on a shelf. a cool frame with a starfish stuck to the glass looks neat too.! Have fun!! Love it!

Ang said...

I love it! We did some sailboats in our Noah's room too. I just posted pictures of his nursery. I got our sailboat at TJMaxx and got a sailboat nightlight at Babies R Us.

Katherine said...

I just came on to vote, but it looks like I missed the voting. No absentee vote for me...
I know whatever you do will be darling. I have a couple of sailboats from my boys room and I haven't decided if I'm going to recreate their room once we move. All three boats are vintage americana though...would it work or could they be refinished?

margaret said...

I like this one best!

Kelli said...

Super duper cute! I'm SURE your mom or my mom can help you find stuff, and if they can't find anything in Utah, I'll be happy to look around down here for you :p