Thursday, February 11, 2010

The things they pick up...

Posted by PicasaWednesday morning as Sport is getting ready for school I hear him say to Dani
"Bye Sucker"
Did I hear that right?
Then as he passes Indy and myself going out the front door he says,
"See ya later Suckers!"
except from Sport it came out
"sthee ya later sthuckers!"
WHERE did THAT come from?
My sweet innocent child.
(No he wasn't wearing the Krispy Kreme hat, but it was the only going to school picture I had)


Steph said...

Love when I get a good Laugh OUT LOUD Laugh when I read your blog!!! Good start of the day!

Jenny H said...

Blair laughed pretty hard when I told him about that the other night...such a funny kid.