Wednesday, February 3, 2010


O. ver
T. hirty
A. nd
H. ot
There is a lottery for the Spudman triathlon in Burley Idaho and we are in! Spudman here we come. This is the group name for our triathlon relay team. I chose the swim portion because at 7 weeks post-partum I'm not sticking my bottom on a bike or running a 10K. I will however be swimming 1.5K in the Snake river ..time to hit the pool!

1 comment:

Kelli said...

You're so cool and my hero! I am over a year 'post partum' and I don't think I'd even want to swim 1 lap in the pool (heaven forbid the general public should she me in a bathing suit)let alone do a 1.5k in the Snake River...I guess that's why you are O.T.A.H and I am O.T.A.N.H. (over thirty and not hot)