Monday, February 8, 2010

Pain in the butt..

Literally a pain in the butt is making me miserable. Turns out I have a loose pelvis. This sounds exciting but it is NOT fun! The hormones from pregnancy are causing all of the ligaments in my pelvis to relax to the point I have an unstable pelvis. My SI joints move out of place and it causes excruciating pain to walk, sit, stand, roll-over etc. etc. I have seen the chiropractor, the physical therapist, the OB and today finally asked for a blessing...which said I will be able to endure it well. I don't want to endure I want it to go away. The good news is that the OB scale said today I haven't gained a pound in 4 weeks. Be grateful for small things I guess.


Posh Ideas said...

I'm so sorry. I have that too with my pregnancies. It is the pits! And it generally just gets worse the futher along you are. I did PT and some exercises help but the hips just keep slipping and my back would click as I walked.

Bentleys said...

I swear these #4 babies do a number on you!!! I hope things get better!!

Taylar said...

You just crack me up. I hope all is well with the little bambino. The rest of the story is Ry was made Bishop on Sunday, Stress dont you think, hence the WOW. love ya

Taylar said...

Oops mel its me nat I am tay is always logged in under my account.