Monday, February 15, 2010

NOT an option 1 and 2

My lesson next Sunday is on agency. Choices and the consequences of those choices has been on my mind. About 2 years ago I was having a faith melt down. Sport's bum looked like raw hamburger meat, he was in pain, and I had tried everything I could think of. I told Indy half joking but half not joking that God wasn't answering my prayers so I wasn't going to church anymore. Indy flipped just a little bit. In a very head of the house way he said, "It's ok to struggle and it's ok to go through a hard time but as for this family that you are a part of we go to church." So obviously quitting church was NOT an option. #1

#2 This pregnancy has been harder than my others. The sick thing is always tough, but usually by this point I am better. I still am nauseous first thing in the morning, if I wait to long to eat, and last thing at night. Nausea I now can handle, but this SI joint, muscle nerve pain is wearing on me. Dealing with and managing the pain all day is not fun. I will have good days and then horrible days for no apparent reason. I'd had enough this morning. I decided I was depressed, and chose to stay in bed and feel sorry for myself. I could hear Indy working out, wishing I could work out and not be in pain. I could hear Indy running Master through his soccer drills, and Sport through his therapy drills, and Pie laughing at both of them. Then I felt like a Schmuck! I should be out there helping, participating, up fixing breakfast....something!!!! Finally Indy came in and asked if I was going to stay in bed until noon. I promptly pulled the covers over my head and said YES I AM! Then the thought raced across my brain. 'This is not an option. I needed to focus on what I could do.' I could manage cereal for the kids. I could call the PT and see if by any luck she was working on this Presidents Day...and thus I got out of bed.


Matt said...

So, I guess calling you to help come tile Mom's bathroom would have been out of the question????


That's ok. I am actually tiling it tomorrow.

Hope your joint feels better. For what it's worth - I want to be Indy too. He has his crap together.

Jenny H said...

Did you see Greys last week? The part where they talked about "choice" reminds me of what you're mentioning. It is hard to do it all Mel. Don't be too hard on yourself; taking breaks are okay.

Katherine said...

If I lived next door I would have brought you breakfast in bed and gave you permission to stay there. We all need a down day - especially with all you do (I still swear you have more hours than the rest of us).
Sorry about the pain! It's great to have that confirmation when the reproduction years are supposed to stop :)

Kelli said...

Hey! I'm teaching that lesson too! I'm so sorry about all your pregnancy woes! That is no fun. But I think you should've stayed in bed, especially since you won't get to do that once little baby Noah comes. Hang in there and just remember it will all be over in a few short months! Love ya! You are an awesome mom and wife and all around great gal :o)!

JENNILLE said...

Sorry that this pregnancy is a tough one. How many more weeks left. I'd create a "chain" that you break off one day at a time and then hope you come a week early :) Blogging is good to get out frustrations. So is staying in bed :)