Monday, November 16, 2009

"Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies"

We live in this little culture where people greet you and say, "Hi, how are you?" the usual response is; "fine thanks" "good thanks, how are you?" etc. etc. I've struggled with this lately because when people ask me, I want to be honest and say "awful" "I'm about to puke because your gas station smells like old grease" or "I am nauseated and my head is pounding" MyBF Steph said to be honest and yet positive I should say, "I feel pregnant, how are you" and let people figure it out from there. Today Zoe and I were at McDonalds because she had lost her strawberry shortcake stamp from her last happy meal and we needed another one. Forget the food we needed the toy. It's 4:00 and I am about at the end of my nauseated patience. The guy at McDonalds says the usual, "Hi how are you?" I was honest and said, "I am sick to my stomach, I'm not contagious just pregnant." He says, "Really at least you're not really sick, I just had bronchitis and I was so sick I could barely talk, my throat was all swollen with all of this puss and mucus coming out." .....SICK! He continued but at this point I cut him off and ordered the happy meal. He hands me my debit card back and I try valiantly to get it back in my wallet without really touching it. I'm starting to believe debit cards should be sanitized on a regular basis. Not that I don't feel sympathy for the guy but I really didn't need to hear about his puss and mucus. I'm going back to LYING and saying, "fine thanks"....and I'm perfectly good if the people asking, lie in return and tell me they are fine. FINE is sooo much better than puss and mucus at McDonalds....sick..sick...sick..


Steph said...

FUNNY!!! I never thought about sterilizing DEBIT CARD!! Good thinking!

Tiffany said...

I can always count on YOU to make me laugh!!! You never cease to crack me up despite your "Prego" condition! :) Mcdonalds...I like it about as much as I like Walmart....but we seem to go there like twice a week for the toys...the crapola toys!!! :)

Mark and Jana said...

I'm sorry but that made me laugh. You have the greatest stories.

Julie Thurgood Summerhays said...

So funny - thanks for the good laugh and the good point about our nasty cards - gross!!!

Andrea said...

Ugh. Gross. You should have asked him to put the debit card back into your wallet for you. :) I'm sorry you are so sick. At least you still have a great sense of humor!

Hyde Family said...

Oh I hope the nausea passes soon. I do remember getting really good at not even asking and pretending like I didn't hear. You could try that. Also I would stay far away from McDonalds at all times!!

Erik Isakson said...

i reg. wash my debit carss, no joke.
at drive through's i try to sick with items that might not need to be handled like diet coke or choc. shake.
my sanity is "wet ones" in the car!!!

Erik Isakson said...

ps that was jennille, not erik commenting