Thursday, November 5, 2009

morning sickness....

Caution this posts keeps it real and will probably read a tad on the negative side:

Morning sickness should not be called 'morning sickness' It should be called "All day freaking AWFUL sickness" I seriously think the 'morning sickness' is a lure to get women pregnant. Some ancient OB probably realized if they called it "all day freaking awful sickness" less women would get pregnant and he would be out some income.

It's my fourth so you would think I would be accustomed to it, but without fail, after each baby amnesia sets in and I forget how really awful it is. Not only do I know this is my last pregnancy in this life. It's my last one EVER and EVER even in the eternities. I told Indy if he wanted to have eternal progression in the next life he would need to hitch his wagon with one of those women who 'love' to be pregnant because I am NOT doing this again.

For those of you who never get sick or or maybe get a little dizzy let me paint a picture for you. The room is spinning my head is splitting and I know if I even open the fridge I will barf. Over the past 3 pregnancies I have learned a couple of tricks that help to avoid the actual throwing up. Typically saltine crackers are not my thing, but I thought I would try them the other day....NOPE they all came up and when I blow it is a total body convulsion over and over again, there are no little urps involved. And the real treat is after that lovely experience I don't feel any better. And to think I get to feel this way for 10 more awesome weeks!!!!

Monday of this week I was done. When you get to the point where you are not functioning as a mom or in your job, and frankly you don't care, because you are so miserable....It's time to call in the drugs. Zofran became my friend with Sport and Indy. It's a drug they give cancer patients to deal with their nausea. It doesn't take it away but it makes it bearable. Its $455 for 21 pills and you can take 2 or 3 a day. Worth every penny. Lucky for me insurance picks up all but $15. It doesn't make you feel wonderful or normal, but it keeps it manageable. Late afternoons and evenings are the still pretty bad. I am slowly without too much anxiety or depression realizing I just can't 'do' or 'get done' what I normally do and that's OK because bless us and save us this is the LAST time I'm doing this.

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