Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Stinky Laundry and Random thoughts

Random #1 Three pregnancies has ruined my nose. I am kinda picky about how my laundry smells. It HAS to smell CLEAN.. not just absence of STINK. It has to smell good. I know I'm not the only one that experiences a hitch in the giddy' up to the laundry chain..and occasionally a load gets stuck in the washer for too long and it develops that smell but doesn't get noticed until its gone through the dryer folded and put away. Sport's jeans smelled funny yesterday, tonight Pie's night-gown was smelly and my own jammie bottoms fresh and folded in my drawer STUNK! oh buggin buggin buggin!
Random #2 Princess Pie came home from dance class today with her costume for the dance concert in two weeks. This is her first dance concert (she's only been in the class 2 months, but I said we would try to do the concert). I thought the dance place was trying to rob/rape me when they asked for the money for the costume. When I saw the costume today it was so cute and I was sooooo relieved I didn't have to sew the thing I about started dancing for joy myself.
Random #3 I am REALLY REALLY trying to be healthy but the diet coke from Kneaders was calling my name...(they have fresh lime or lemon) and the chocolate chip cookie was the perfect compliment to the diet coke. CAn you think of a more unhealthy lunch. Cookie and a diet coke...hmmm divine.


Steph said...

Don't you just LOVE all the different quirks of LIFE! Can't be to perfect all the time! Gotta live!

Jenny H said...

I suck so bad at being "green" I've rewashed clothes hundreds of times after leaving them in the washer overnight. In fact, I did it today. I love dance recitals, she will be so fun to watch...and next time you have a diet coke and cookie for lunch, you're dead if you don't call me to meet you.

Nicole M said...

I love your random thoughts.
By the way, YES that would be so fun to go to Cherry Hill! And also, you need to come play tripoly with us next time we're all in BL. We were up till 2:00 am last time we played. I don't think I have your number though...email it to me

Lori Conger said...

I'm with you on the smells. I have a very smell-sensitive nose, and I love things to smell good. And I've had worse lunches than diet coke and cookies, so don't worry about that:)