Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Grumpy People and Good Ice

This is a stupid thing to blog about but it's been bugging me for weeks. Based on my family and my job I spend quite a bit of time filling the gas tank. I have several stations to choose from. The Chevron by my house has the best ice. It's the good party ice. However the guy who works the counter is grump miester. I know it's a busy place and I'm a stranger but for the number of times I am in there you would think he would recognize me...NO I don't get a 'hey' or a 'hello' or heaven forbid a 'how are you'. Other places I stop to get gas they say 'hello' they say 'thanks for coming in' they even tell me 'have a good day'....but they don't have the good ice. NOW before you comment I have made a few non threatening attempts to say hello to him but he just looks at me like I'm pond scum and tells me how much I owe. Is the ice worth it?


Kelli said...

You're so funny and yes the ice is worth it.

Steph said...

I really think you should just ask him REAL nice like if he is having a bad day? Give him "The Secret"! Now that would be funny!

. said...

Oh YES the ice is worth it.