Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Out of the Mouths of Babes

I wasn't going to post this, but it was one of those things that completely floored me.
Cambridge had a picture in his back-pack that said I voted for McCain. On the way to Karate I asked him why and completely unsolicited this is what he said:
McCain will keep his promises
Obama looks good but he tells lies and I know he is lying about hospitals and if people are sick.
McCain wants to finish the war and get the bad guys.
Obama wants the soldiers to just come home and hang out; which means that we won't get the bad guys and that means Obama is a bad guy.

We don't watch the news or listen to talk radio when the kids are around. Little did I realize how political my 8yr old is.

I asked him today how he felt about Obama winning and he said, 'Its ok".

I can not think of a time when I have fervently prayed for the leaders of our country. At the Bingham house we've prayed for them a lot lately and will continue to do so.


07Nielsens said...

Leave it to an 8 year old to say it how it is. I think next election we let the kids vote, and the adults can take the back seat.

JENNILLE said...

hello!! i loved this posting. i am glad you too wrote about the "right" way, the Republican way. i am esp. glad to see the wisdom in Cambridge. that was a very interesting/deep/insightful answer for an 8 yr old. children are wise.

it's been PAINFUL living in oregon w/ this election (and for many other reasons too...namely fashion and RAIN). anyway, i seriously got into an agrument w/ a 65 yr old lady (who i don't know) at the grocery store today re: the election. i am not kidding. it was so RANDOM!!!