Thursday, September 2, 2010

A Utah Man am I

Nothing like a little overtime to start the season. All the kids were actually good to the very end of the game. Even Bubba was awesome.
At one point in the game I was sitting with Bubba and everyone else was standing and I asked Master what happened on that particular play and he said, "I don't know, I think they scored or something, I'm just cheering my butt off."
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Julie Thurgood Summerhays said...

Love it!! And, I didn't even recognize the hubbs- I mean, I guessed it was him, but the soul patch makes him look different - good though:)

Jenny H said...

#1) Way to be on it and post it right after...
#2) I LOOKED and looked for you last night so I could come steal the baby. I need your section/seat numbers next game.
#3)Where'd you get the princess shirt? Ab might do one with bling. Cute.
#4)You are my hero for taking the troops. I still can't. Ab begs to leave the whole time and Deak can only tolerate a half of a highschool game (although he LOVES the half).

Matt said...

Only one little faux pas with your post. "Rise and Shout" around these parts tends to be associated with a certain Cougar team fight song. A more appropriate title(s) might have been:
-A new Utah Man (reference to Bubba and Utah Man is the name of the Utah Fight song that people still don't seem to know the words for, but clap anyway).
-Our Gang (one of the lines in the fight song says "Our gang of college men is the jolliest that you have ever seen.)

Never the less. Kudos to you for staying through the whole game last night! Well done! On the other hand, Bubba's hearing might be shot after living through that noise last night.

Master and his cousin, Backflipboy, have no clue what is going on, but it's all about the experience anyway.

Kelli said...

Cute family! Looks like a fun night! And to me Bubba looks like your brothers totally!

Andrea said...

What a game!!! It was a little stressful at the end for me. Your family looks so cute - perfect pict for the Christmas card!