Monday, September 13, 2010

Life at 72 degrees

I heard this quote a few weeks ago...something like this from Elder Ballard, "you'll be much happier when you realize life is not always experienced at 72 degrees.  Given my track record I know I can be a dramatic / emotional person.  My hope is that with age and maturity some of the drama and emotions would stabilize.  For a regular ordinary day I was amazed at my range of emotions today. Slept through alarm - disappointed in self..not a great way to start Monday, but I did get everyone out the door on time. And so it continued ALL day long like a little mini roller coaster.  No wonder I'm tired.  I do need to note that my soccer mom performance tonight was vastly improved over two weeks ago...I arrived with a fully stocked diaper bag.  woot woot!


Katy said...

So fun to see you and your cute kids yesterday!
You seemed great I felt like I was the crazy women with crazy kids :) Had you walked in 5 min. before you would have seen two kids running around the store and Preston knock over a display. Love shopping with kids.

only_human said...

I'm thinking that Monday was Alarm Clock Strike day...mine failed to perform as well