Wednesday, September 29, 2010

5 minutes

I LOVE getting packages in the mail.  Last Friday and then this past Monday was like Christmas.  I FINALLY printed my blog.  I looked at a couple of web-sites, got over-whelmed and put the project on the shelf.  I decided I am in 'just get it done' mode so I went to the easiest web-site (bog2print) uploaded 2008 and 2009 and didn't change a thing.  It literally took me a total of 5 minutes. (counting upload time and $ to check-out).  Meanwhile I spied on my cousins blog her beautiful work from Blurb.  I haven't even seen these books in person but I could tell by the picture of the books on her blog they are spectacular.  I became jealous.  I chastised myself for not putting more work into it.  Based on her own explanation it took her about 24 + hours to complete.  Reality Check!! I would love to have those same hours and could probably do a spectacular job, BUT I don't have that in my life right now.  I do have 5 minutes and I'm pretty dang happy how my 5 minutes turned out.

1 comment:

Nicole M said...

I'm sure your books are going to look awesome. You got it printed, and really, that's all that matters! Had I started mine a few years from now, there is probably no way I could devote the time it takes to create those books, but now I can just pace myself as I go...hopefully I can keep it up in the long run :) Great job though, seriously. Not many people print out their blog, but for me, that's basically the only reason why I blog!