Monday, May 10, 2010

Way to Go little Bro!

Ok so maybe he's not so little. Being his big sister I guess means I just get to be older. Mark just graduated with his Bachelor degree from UVSU. Mark has been BUSY the past two years. He married the beautiful Jana, that we love, they had their first baby (Carson that we also love) and now he has graduated, ALL while working full-time for Novell. You're Amazing..So proud of you baby bro!


Kelli said...

Way to go Mark! Awesome! And that little mini Mark (a.k.a Carson) could not be cuter! I just wanna kiss those cheek's! Maybe you can do that for me!?

Candice said...

I have commented before, but had not yet introduced my family. My hubby and I have been married for 6 yrs and have a 2yo son with a genetic syndrome, 18q-. We have a family blog, posting about our day to day lives. We have mentioned
Graham's special needs. However, to date, we had not yet mentioned his diagnosis of 18q-. We've only known for 2 mos now. It was such a delicate subject, one I wasn't even sure I'd share. Once we finally decided to share, it
took me a while to find the words. I hope I did a good job expressing what it is like to receive a diagnosis such as this. You have done much to inspire me to share and your blog post express so many of the emotions we share. If you're curious, here's the link.
