Sunday, May 9, 2010

Simply Amazing

I have this sister that is quite simply amazing. She did her Masters program several years ago but because life sometimes gets in the way, she never wrote her thesis to complete the program. Long story short she enrolled this past semester and finished what she started. In the midst of changing jobs, raising children and chickens (500 of them, separate story) she wrote her thesis and flew in this week to defend it. Her advisor told her the paper was severely flawed and to expect to write several changes and in fact she may need to pay for another semester of school. WRONG! She gave her oral presentation on the paper and they LOVED her and told her to run to collect her cap and gown she could walk in the graduation ceremony the next day. Congratualtions Min we're so proud of you.
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Mark and Jana said...

Both of you are simply amazing. I lucked out in the SIL department.

Katherine said...

Way to go Mind!
There is no way that I can see any committee meeting Mind and not being uber impressed!
It's a "Roylance Woman" thing!

Kelli said...

Way to go Mindy! You rock but you knew that! Congratulations that's an awesome accomplishment!

JENNILLE said...

Mindi is such a hard worker. That's really incredible. Way to celebrate last weekend.