Monday, March 22, 2010

Sunny or Overcast?

My RS lesson Sunday was on the 'Fall of Adam and Eve' I spent a good amount of time on the scripture; ...he might have joy" I felt like I completely bombed the lesson. It had no direction, nothing connected and half of the really important things I didn't say because I got distracted by someone's comment. I keep stewing about how bad I felt it was but Indy says, 'get over it, it's done.' One of the things I wanted to talk about is when you have the days that you are not feeling the Joy. Nothing is majorly wrong but you're not feeling the joy. There needs to be a word for that. If you say 'a little depressed' it makes it sound like something is seriously wrong. Sometimes I use the word 'fine'. Fine, covers a lot of ground for me. I swiped the following from the blog, 'A daily Scoop' because I thought it was well written.

Why is it so hard for us to admit when we are feeling low? I know I am not the only one who feels this way. To me it is a bit embarrassing to tell someone I am sad and a bit depressed. Why is that? There is no shame in sorrow and grief and depression. They are all human emotions. We all experience them. Why do we feel we must hide them from others?
Perhaps it is because we don't want to make others uncomfortable. Often people do not know how to respond to someone who is grieving or sad or depressed. How can we help them anyway? Maybe we don't tell people because there really isn't anything they can do anyway and we don't want to make them feel bad also.
But I have found that many times, just talking about it (or writing about it) gets the sadness out. Many times we just need to let the sadness out and then we feel better. I guess that is why I decided to blog about it now. It isn't something I should have to hide or be ashamed to feel. I don't expect people to know what to do or to think they need to do something to make it better. I have learned that some things can't be made "better" they just become more bearable.
I just wanted to get a bit of the ache out. I want to see it on the page instead of feeling it like a hole in my chest. Perhaps the sun will come out tomorrow. Here's hoping my spirits warm up as well.

Personally, at the moment I don't feel like I have a hole in my chest or my heart is aching...I have had those days before. It was just one of those days where I was personally a little overcast. I do believe just like the above author said, or it might be the song from Annie, "The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow."


Julie Thurgood Summerhays said...

Hey - what are you talking about?? You didn't bomb your lesson - it made me think A LOT!! I loved it - you are WAY too hard on yourself - but I know how it is to teach -ugh!!! You really do bring out wonderful points and I LOVE beind at your lessons - thanks!!!

Andrea said...

I had to teach that same lesson Sunday. When Aaron asked me how it went, I said, "it sucked." I had some extra quotes and tried to do some things to encourage participation, but I felt like it was so dry and boring. UGH! It's hard teaching the basics when we've heard them so often. Plus, most people don't have to many comments about the fall of Adam and Eve. If it makes you feel better... I felt that same way!

Jenny H said...

Your lesson was fantastic minus the part where I had to mention my five things in front of the class:)
Your lesson felt connected and really well need to stress. You even had handouts!!!:)

Matt said...

And if anybody knows "The sun will come out tomorrow, bet your bottom dollar..." It's you! I think I'm still scarred for life due to the number of times you played that as a child.
And yes, in our family we set the bar way to high on "how the lesson went". I'm sure you did fine.