Monday, July 6, 2009

What others think...

I have heard other special needs parents say how hard it is to have your child not be 'normal' act normal or sound normal when in a public place and have others stare at you or your child.Shaking beads or sitting where they shouldn't be sitting... Personally I don't care what others think. It is what it is. It doesn't change the fact that it's hard. I worry about him. Is he ok? Should I be doing something different? Should I be working with him more? More therapists? It's hard to see your child do these things. The moaning grates on your nerves, you are diapering a 6yr old and even though you know they have an extra chromosome in every part of their body you want them to be cute and act cute, you want others to see them and love them and out of respect pray their behaviors don't bother them. Usually with extra effort, time and patience we can bring him around. Because the communication is still so limited it's hard to know what he needs. Am I doing the right thing? Is he thirsty? Is he hungry? Why is he moaning or being soooo stubborn today?So we sing songs about monkeys jumpping on the bed
And we laugh and love and know we are so very blessed, beads moaning and all.


Jenny H said...

We've had conversations about this, as you know...and my feelings are similar to yours. Although the screaming in public drives me nuts. I am getting used to it though, and as you said working HARD, and doing things like singing Wheels on the Bus 500 times a day...I guess I don't care what people think of me, but I care what they think of my son. It's that protectiveness thing. And...I hate the looks of pity.
That's why I love that conference so much, and people like you who "get it." People who see through the behaviors and into our kids eyes...Those people are priceless.

Katherine said...

Your thoughts are beautiful. So much for having just applied my mascara!
It's interesting to have grown up understanding those emotions because of my brother. I felt so protective of him and would get angry beyond words when he would be teased by stupid neighbor kids. Now as an adult, I watch close friends deal with those emotions toward their children. As protective as I felt toward my brother, as a mother my heart would break if those same offenses were toward my own child! I admire your ability to go deeper than some people's prejudices and ignorance.
You do work hard - at everything you do. Heavenly Father knew that of you when he sent Remi to your home.
P.S. I LOVE the photos of you and Remi together. They are priceless!

Andrea said...

You are a wonderful mother.

Grant and Alli said...

Mel you are such a great example!!! I wish everyone could be just like you:)By the way you look way cute in a hat!

Bentleys said...

Oh he is adorable! You are such an amazing Mom!

Old Road Warrior said...

Wow Mel,
what a jarring to to do to an old man. Teach me about blogging .. ouch! Well maybe its about time.
I found it very interesting that you would post your thots on special needs, exactly 24 hrs before Sarah Palin resigned (graciously). There was a reference to her family needs and responsibilities versus stress and the glare of public life . I loved that you did her soo well for Halloween. Shes a great lady and you're a great lady! Plus being a supermom in all aspects .. that makes me be soo proud of you. As Jenny're priceless!

The White House said...

Touche to all the comments, YOu are awesome mel, and have the best attitude. You have such a blessing and sweet spirit in that little guy.