Thursday, July 9, 2009

How do YOU spell RELIEF?

Some of you may or may not remember this product slogan (depending on age). I've been thinking a lot lately about stress and relief (not Alka Seltzer). In this crazy world it seems like everyday I hear stories of people dealing with major stressful issues, from job loss to sickness and death. Even if you aren't 'lucky' enough to have a major thing happening in your life, there are still everyday stresses of work, children, family, house-work, yard-work, church callings etc. I believe 'coping strategies' or the ability to reduce/ relieve stress is a skill, and there are some out there better at it than others. I want to be good at this and I want to teach my children to be good at this. How do YOU cope? How do YOU spell RELIEF?


Jenny H said...

B.E.D.T.I.M.E. for kids.
Date nights and girls nights and long talks.
And...positive self talk....

Steph said...

Always find the positive and count your BLESSINGS!