Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Post Christmas Temper Tantrum

I am way behind on this posting business.....to catch up I thought I would start with today.
Maybe my 'naughty' has been buried under my 'nice' all season or maybe I am having post Christmas blues, or maybe I was just due for a good emotional venting.
After Remy kicked me out of bed at 2am I didn't stop in the kitchen for chocolate or oreos (points for me I am a nocturnal snacker) I didn't set my alarm because I knew I was working from home today and had a fairly small list of things to accomplish. #1 on my list was working out. During December I took a small sabbatical from the working out regime, too busy doing too many good things, and baking too many goodies. Truth be told I've been on a semi sabbatical since I had surgery in April, and the lbs have slowly but surely been creeping back on. Time to kick it into gear. I hopped on the scale first thing and HOLY @#?*! Wowee... hmm...well the truth hurts, but I was headed downstairs to workout.
As usual I got stopped en route to make the kids breakfast, find lost toys, get kids dressed, change diapers, start the laundry ...then Remy needed a bath but refused to sit down in the bath because his butt hurts, which I understand... but ended up yelling at him to just sit down darn it!!!!!!!!!!!...(I have to pause here because I am not usually a yelling mom). I promptly feel bad because I yelled and I pass the STUPID scale on the way out of the bathroom which only reminds me (like most days lately) I have yet to make it down-stairs to work-out. I can then here my darling hubby working away in the garage which means he is making nice progress on his list of to-do's (which only makes me more mad).
A bit of history here - As a child I could throw a tantrum with the best of them. My adult tantrums are few and far between, but usually consist of not yelling, screaming or thrashing about on the floor, but silence as I march through the house putting things away with a Fury that usually includes slamming a few drawers and tossing toys non to gently into the toy box.
Within a few minutes the hubby comes in from the garage and asks, "Is everything alright with Rems, because you seem a bit tense." Which is code word for, "What the heck is wrong with you?" I then proceed to tell him I am going to be, "freakin fat forever unless I get to work-out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Ok a little dramatic, but it got my point across. I marched around for about another 30min picking up, putting away....when I finally made it down stairs to work-out.
I had a great run, followed my 15 minutes on the bike while I listened to the first three chapters of the Book of Mormon on my ipod (you just gotta love multi-tasking)
I finished up some work things I needed to get done, fed the kids lunch and went to shower and get dressed for the day. Just to spite the scale I thought I would get on it one more time, to see just how high I could make it go. The whole "don't weigh yourself in the afternoon". Keep in mind I have had breakfast and lunch and had about 20oz of water.
Pre tantrum vs. Post tantrum I lost 3 pounds!!!! Seriously this tantrum thing must be good for the metabolism! I'm going to have to try it more often!


Katherine said...

Good honesty post.
We all have those days and it's good to know that even the best of people (YOU) have them too!
Love ya!

Steph said...

Ok So funny!! ya know we all have those days!! I haven't been on the scale in months! I'm doing the "these jeans still fit so I can't be doing to bad!" maybe that is another meaning for denial!

Jenny H said...

You look way too good to worry so much! No more scales!

Kelli said...

You're so funny! But I totally understand the frustration...We don't even own a scale at our house so the only time I flip out about my weight is at the doctor's office-at least there they can prescribe some calming drugs or something-ha! I kind of think weight (like age) is only a number and it matters more about how you feel then the actual number...Course that might explain why I look the way I look ;)