Monday, December 7, 2009

IT'S A .......

I had a CVS test last week and got the results this morning!
We are very excited that Noah Brian will be joining our family!!!
I do need to mention long before we even got pregnant, Indy said IF, we had another baby it would be a boy and his name would be Noah.
The minute I found out I was pregnant, I felt it was a boy. I've had two dreams about him since being pregnant, so if the test came back and said girl; I would have been shocked. Princess Pie is still convinced it's a girl. I guess she will get used to the idea. Master did a happy dance. Sport just calls him baby no, no,no.
A quick word about Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS) It is a prenatal test sample of the placenta tissue. It is the earliest and the only 99% accurate test to screen for Downs, trisomy 18, and cystic fibrosis. When I was pregnant with Sport my AFP blood work test came back on the high side, but still within normal range for my age. Therefore, we did not pick up on the Downs until my 18 week ultrasound. I remember that day, it was a rainy, dreary, awful day. People ask me all the time, "Are you glad you knew early?" Heck yes! I had 20 more weeks to prepare and educate myself and my family. When you get that kind of news there is a grieving process and I had time to get that out of the way before giving birth. I did the CVS test with Princess Pie and with this baby to get the most accurate information as soon as possible. I have had several comments from people stating they would never do a CVS test because if it came back positive they wouldn't abort. OK, but just for the record, FOR ME, it's not about abortion it's about being prepared.


Kelli said...

Yay! Congratulations-Noah Brian is such a cute name too! That's so nice you have his name figured out, that takes away a lot of stress!

Katy said...

Congrats!!! Love the name.

Jenny H said...

Completely Agree!!!! I too love the name, but am thinking "Baby, no no no" has a nice ring to it. You gotta respect the honesty it brings.

Danny and Becky DuPaix said...

Nice! Congrats! That is so exciting! I wish I new so early!

. said...

Congrats Mel. I am happy for you guys.

Posh Ideas said...

Yeah for more little boys! I'm so excited for you.

Carey Underwood said...

So excited for you! Love his name!

Andrea said...

Wow! Congratulations! Noah is a great name! It has served us well. It's a strong, masculine name. I hope you are feeling better!

Nicole M said...

Oh my gosh!! You were right all along...I remember when I took your pictures you thought it was a boy. I'm very excited for you guys, congrats!