Monday, December 14, 2009

Do I need a new mirror?

Yesterday I woke up at 4am stressed that my RS lesson on the Martyrdom was not completely prepared. I managed to go back to sleep, only to dream that I woke up at 6am to prepare my lesson, but decided to go to the gym instead (I have never in my life been to the gym on Sunday). In my dream I arrived at church (after hitting the gym) and the ladies in RS were so upset with me for not being prepared they started taking off their clothes and covering themselves with hymn books. I opened my eyes and leaped (I never leap) out of bed. It was 6 am for real and I had two good hours to finish preparing the lesson. We arrived at church (late) and in the hallway I spied my visiting teaching companion (who I love and respect dearly) she asked me how I was feeling. I said ok. She said, "oh you can tell you don't feel well just looking at your eyes". I promptly went to the bathroom to see what was up with my eyes. I'd gone a little lighter than I realized with my make-up, but didn't think it was that bad; or was it?

I had worked like crazy to: get the bishop's permission, set up my lap-top, projector, and Internet card for this lesson. I wanted to show a LDS u-tube clip; for whatever reason my Internet card was not fast enough and the clip wouldn't play. Oh well, some things like, how my eye-balls look, are out of my control... the lesson ended up fine.

This evening I had to make a last minute run to the craft store for glue dots. I was already in my PJ's. I threw on my long wool dress coat and Brian's snow shoes for a quick run to the store. You know you really don't give a hoot if you're willing to go to the craft and grocery store in your PJ's, wool coat, and husband's shoes. As I exited the parking lot, I had a sudden craving for a banana shake. I pulled through the drive-through the lady at the window says, direct quote, "Mam you look exhausted! Are you all right? You need to go home and put your feet up." Slightly stunned my reply was, "I'm just pregnant."

Luckily I'm not in tears, I'm laughing my head off. I must seriously need a new mirror if I look that bad. Two days in a row, seriously two days in a row, people making the effort to tell me I look exhausted...SUPER!

Thinking back on today, I still feel icky prego....I had to pull together my Christmas gifts for my offices. This involved visiting 4 different Walmarts, Home Depot, Sams Club and Costco, all with my 3yr old in tow.....while I made the blackberry burn with work orders to be sent and emails that needed to be returned...took Sport to karate...did our traditional shopping for our live trees...put all three tree stands together, and got the trees watered...delivered the second day of xmas to the neighbor and now I'm sitting here giving myself a pause before I go assemble all the 'stuff' I bought today...OK that many Walmarts could make anyone look exhausted.


Posh Ideas said...

Mel, Loved your post! I'm feel like I'm dragging through the holidays. Everyone asks how are you feeling and lately my only response is "pregnant" I'm to the point that from here on out I'm just uncomfortable! I also get people asking me if If I'm due any day now. Ha! Then I tell them not til the middle of Feb. and people look very sad for me.

only_human said...

Mel, you're supposed to send the nanny to all the Wal-Marts! Those were the days, eh? Miss you guys, and FYI I'm out of school for the rest of the month if you need a hand with anything ;)

Hyde Family said...

Melanie, this so easily makes my decision to never be prego ever again!!! AND...I am home all day..bring that cute girl over to play!!

Jenny H said...

You look fabulous. I used to hate it when people told me I looked tired, now I just smile and say, "Thanks, actually I am really tired." It usually shuts them up.