Sunday, November 7, 2010

The Church Version of Monopoly

It's been a while since I've played this game, but I distinctly remember the go to jail card that said:
Going to Jail
Do not pass Go
Do not collect $200.00
I left church today feeling like I was
Going to Hell
Can't get pass Go
And for sure will not collect $200.00
Now... before I vent, I do realize that the problem at church was me.
Granted, some days you just aren't in the mood for church.  I get that, however that wasn't my problem today. Sacrament was great, Sunday School was great, Relief Society the teacher was great, but for some reason Satan was sitting on my shoulder.  The lesson was on the gift of the Holy Ghost.  After all the positive comments people were making about feeling the Holy Ghost and teaching their children about the Holy Ghost, and how their children love to be in Sacrament, and how they are singing the Hymns to teach their children gospel principals....I was starting to loose it.
Then a very nice lady commented that she happened to be early for church and saw the nicest family come in 30 minutes before Sacrament even started.  They took their regular seats because they are regularly early every Sunday.  And she just knew that this family had regular scripture study and regular prayer together and regular family home evening,  AND this family had time to do all that because they didn't have a TV in the home.
I am thinking....
OH MY HELL !!!!!!!!!!
That little family won't be here Sunday because they are about to be translated!!!
So I raised my hand...which probably wasn't the best idea.
I even got all choked up because 
I'm sitting there feeling like a freaking failure.
So I said something to the effect of,
I am not regular about anything
  I sit in the back of the chapel  because we do happen to be late on a regular basis. I am intimidated by all of the wonderful women in the room and the fabulous things they are doing.  Which I am not.  BUT in spite of ALL  of my short-comings I do know that I can still call on the Holy Spirit to help me AND to help teach my children where I fall short.
K-thanks I feel better now.


Katy said...

I think you are amazing. You always seem to have it all together with everything you have going on.

Steph said...


Andrea said...

Good for you. Sometimes being a Utah mormon is a little rough.

Jenny H said...

Yay you...yay for being that person who says exactly what everyone else is feeling/thinking and needed to hear.
It's not about perfect.
It's about trying...
And, if I were still with you, my hand would've been right there with ya.

Matt said...

Ummm, I'm pretty sure you are just fine (probably better than fine). Quit playing the compare game, it's on of Satan's favorites. We are only judged on what we are given and what we do with it. So, buck up, and just do your very best. Screw everybody else and their perception of perfection. You be concerned with you, yours and loving your neighbor. The rest is static.

margaret said...

Amen, sista!

The Rich's said...

Seriously, that is how I feel all the time. I fall short on alot of things but I am trying and that is what we should be doing. Trying. I love how you put things into perspective. Love reading your blog.