Wednesday, November 3, 2010

A cape, a Tiara and the Power...

Two weeks ago I stopped into Mrs. Bakers Bakery.  If you have never been there, do yourself a favor and spend your one sweet for the day on  Mrs. Bakers cupcake, or cookie or just about anything that comes out of there....yummm!
Before you start craving cupcakes... my story.  They have a decorator plate on the wall that pictures a haggard hard working woman that says, "give me a cape and a tiara and I could save the world".  It made me laugh and then I got thinking about the power to 'save the world' and even sometimes the 'power' to survive the day.  In the LDS faith we talk about the 'power' that can flow into your life through the scriptures, and prayer and the priesthood.  This little contest is in part an opportunity for me to "experiment on the word." To see if more of that power / energy flows into my life.  I tend to access that power or energy source when I'm desperate and or in trouble.  I wonder would the everyday things be easier to handle if I did a better job of accessing that power on a more consistent basis.  Today I was running an assignment over to the school that Master forgot to pack in his back-pack.  The morning was so beautiful I just had a feeling it was going to be a "great day"....this is what followed...
  •  A mighty expensive trip to the grocery store (did groceries go up over-night or what?? - I had a menu planned and a list and was still in sticker shock at the check-out).
  • A VERY long phone call with my biggest client telling me they were backing out of a $300K deal
  • While on that very long phone call I missed my husband calling me 4 times because he had crashed HARD on his road bike. (he had to hitch a ride home)
  • A trip to the Insta-Care with the husband (because I insisted).  One official broken finger, and some mighty fine road rash, and bruises.  He actually looks good compared to the bike
  • As we headed out the door to the Insta-Care Brian's sister called to say that his mom was at the Emergency room with possible intestinal blockage
  • Surgery for Brian's Mom
  • I had to reschedule most of my appointments for the day and didn't make it home until about 7pm.
  • Did homework, dishes, put kids in bed, made salt-doe for the 4th grade etc.
The good part.  Or I should say the "great part" of the day is that I handled it.  I didn't break down or fall apart or go running for the ice-cream.  I'm super-uber grateful Brian's injuries were mild compared to what they had been.  His mom for being 82 came through surgery like a trooper. I have awesome offices that understood when I needed to re-schedule.  And last but not least I have Dani and Cass to call on to save my bacon when I couldn't be at Therapy, Gymnastics and Karate all at the same time today.  Typically not I would call a "great day".  But in a way it kind-of was. It could be that I'm drinking the Kool-Aid.  But maybe, just maybe, my experiment is working already??

1 comment:

Jenny H said...

I'm sorry for your day!!! I should've been less self-indulgent and asked how your day was last night when we were texting.
You always handle things well. You are built for that kind of stuff. I am happy the day ended up working out okay (I won't say awesome:) for you and your family.