Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter - - oops she's done it again...

The pictures say it all..... The giant table was built by Indy a couple of years ago. It seams to be getting some good use. It was also Mark and Jana's 1st anniversary.


Steph said...

HOLY COW!!! How the heck did she pull this off it was Sat. night and you guys were not even sure what dishes you were going to use!!!

Katherine said...

I just KNEW there was going to be an amazing tablescape for you to post.
I'm thinking that if you would take a photo of each family gathering, you could be publishing the book in a couple of years!
BEAUTIFUL and AMAZING as always Linda!

Nicole M said...

How did your mom get so creative?? Is it in the genes or something? Geez, that table is amazing...again.

Also, I noticed you went to Wicked and I'm so jealous! I need to see it again.

Andrea said...

Your mom should think about putting a book together with tips and photographs.

Sara said...

Geez Louise, Bonzell. Give me a break! My kids were lucky to get an Easter basket. Seriously, she's amazing. We had a fun time in St. George for Easter -- missed you not coming over!