Friday, January 6, 2012

And that's a wrap....

Ok all my posts between Christmas and New Years are not even close to in order...Honestly the season was a bit of a blur.  Lots to do, lots to see, parties, family etc. etc. you name it.  2011 was a good year.  In review there are things we could have done better and others we did well.  As the author here I can only speak for myself... I recently saw a quote on pinterest that I loved; I didn't know at the time how to pin and now I can't find it but the jist was this: "let go of the drama and surround yourself with people that you love and make you laugh so hard you cry"  for me this is my family and my friends.  Thanks for a great year!


Jenny H said...

Love all the posts. I can't believe how old Princess looks. She is so beautiful. It looks like you had an amazing season.

Katherine said...

Loved all the pictures - big catch up!
Big guy in a little towel needs to be framed - so cute!