Tuesday, May 10, 2011


When was the last time you were bored?  I have heard a few stay-at-home moms say; sometimes they can get bored, or run out of things to do.  I am (right now) a working mom, but I have help.  I have a cleaning lady that comes twice a month, yard people that mow and trim, a nanny and a very helpful husband.  So you would think with all that help at some point I would get bored.  If you google boredom images you get this
I don't think she looks bored I think she looks like she is have a good time sitting there, doing nothing, thinking pleasant thoughts.
Further down the page of boredom pics you get this:
Stock Photo - frazzled businesswoman 
talking on telephone. 
fotosearch - search 
stock photos, 
pictures, wall 
murals, images, 
and photo clipart
This is more me.  Indy is out of town and he called tonight to see "how it's going"  Well after a long crazy day at work I'm looking at my house and my kitchen looks like a bomb went off.  The project I started two days ago (cleaning out the pantry) is still in progress.  Dinner dishes and food have yet to be put away.  The floor around Bubba's high chair looks like it could feed a small 3rd world country.  (yes he is teething and an grumpy little thing).  We did make it to and from Karate and fertilize the lawn.  In the living room the contents of Sports back-back is all over the floor.  In at least every room of the house I can find mardi gras beads on the floor.  There is laundry in my bedroom that needs to be folded and put away.  There is 4th grade home-work half finished sitting on the one clean end of the kitchen table.  There are dance costumes from dance pictures yesterday and today scattered up and down the hall-way...and I'm in my office working staring at a work project I should really get done.  Nope I am not bored.  Presently I am ignoring all of it and blogging instead.   The last time I remember being bored was the 7th grade.


Jenny H said...

I don't even know what that word means.

Matt said...

I have no concept of that word either. I have a list a mile long of things that can and should be done.
I must say though, I enjoy these descriptions of your house. It makes me feel not so bad about my house. Cuz your house looks perfect every time I'm over there. :-)

Katherine said...

I'm with you. I don't get how any mom (stay-at-home or working) can claim boredom. I can't seem to ever get to the end of my list and I don't even have television!

Steph said...

I LOVE when I read your bog and I LAUGH OUT LOUD!!!!

The Rich's said...

I have a sister in law that tells me she gets bored at home with her little one, indent understand. Maybe I'm doing something wrong cause I'm never bored. I'm always busy and usually multitasking at that. Seriously, sometimes I would love to be bored. But that will probably come when I've raised all my kids or something.