Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Like Mother like Daughter

It all started with Porch Time.  Working for my Grand-Aunt during Jr.High and High School we would work our little fingers to the bone and then chill with a coke on the porch.  I thought diet coke was disgusting but then she introduced me to a fresh lime or a lemon in the diet coke and I was hooked.  I'm a one can a day girl and some days no cans, but most days call for a little mental chill time, which calls for a diet coke.  Princess Pie has picked up on this 'love' for diet coke and this was the conversation at the dinner table last night.

PP "I just love diet coke.  I love it so much I think I'm going to marry it"
Master "If you marry diet coke you will have diet coke mutant babies"

Leave it to the 10yr old to bring us back to reality.

1 comment:

Posh Ideas said...

Ha! Love it! I sure enjoy "porch time" with a nice DC. There's something so theraputic about it!