Tuesday, March 8, 2011


I walked over to my neighbors house Monday afternoon to pick up Pie.  We talked for a moment and then the nice neighbor said, " I have something to tell you and I hope you don't get offended"
I said, " What did my kids do"
She said, "Oh it wasn't your kids it was you." and she has this funny smile on her face.
Turns out Sunday morning her two daughters were ready early for church and had wandered outside. I happen to have two huge windows on both sides of my front door.
Sunday morning I was doing dishes, Bubba was down for his morning nap and the other kids were downstairs. Indy decided I needed a good "horn swaggling" (as we call it at our house).  He chased me around the kitchen and then we wrestled to the living room floor.  He then jumped on top of me and we of course proceeded to make-out.  We thought we were 'safe' because all of OUR kids were busy downstairs. Turns out their were two little girls peering in my front windows.  They told their mom that, "The neighbors were chasing around the furniture and then rolling around on the floor and then they kissed for the LONGEST time and it was sSOOOOOO disgusting!!!
I just looked at my neighbor and said, "Yep we're busted, they've pretty much got the story straight."


Posh Ideas said...

Thanks for the good laugh!

Jenny H said...

This post made me smile. So happy that you have a relationship where this kind of stuff still happens:) And, really...has anybody ever not been caught, at least once???:)

Matt said...

Good thing somebody got fixed in that relationship, otherwise Bubba might have another sibling on the way!

Kelli said...

OK two things I'm wondering...1st why were the neigbor girls looking in your windows and 2nd why did your neighbor feel the need to tell you what the girls said they saw? Is it just me or is that a little weird? It's totally funny! But kinda weird, right?

Sara Lou said...

You always have the funniest stories...I love that you aren't afraid to say it like it is :) !