Nursing for me is a get almost naked, make sure everyone else is situated, try like crazy to get baby latched correctly to avoid sore nipples and try to relax experience. Today I had just done all of the above when I hear this:
Princess: Mom I'm done
Me: What
Princess: I'm done
Me: Well wipe you can do it
Princess: No I can't I pooped and peed
Me: You can do it, I know you can
Princess: No I can't mom it's STICKY poop and I can't wipe sticky poops
unlatched - set baby baby on coach praying Sport won't drag him off while I dash to the bathroom and the STICKY poop situation.
Return, latch baby back on only to have Sport say:
"Mom ugg" and grab his diaper
Me: It's ok buddy we'll take care of it in just a minute
Sport: NO! ugg -
He then pulls down his shorts and shows me that his diaper has come undone and is falling off.
unlatched baby again - set him on the couch - put Sport in a new diaper
by this point the very hungry baby is SCREAMING bloody murder.
OH MY HECK! and people say 4 is easy.