Thursday, September 20, 2012

Shiny happy people and feedback

I'm not even sure where to begin with this one.  Doing what I do for work and even in my job as a mom I feel like I am getting constant feedback.  Typically I am the hardest one on me.  I can give you a list longer than my arm of all the things I could do better.  Now when it comes to constructive criticism or negative feedback from others, I really try to process before I decide if they are correct and I need to make an adjustment or if they are SMOKING CRACK.  In an effort to save you a super super long post...the short version is this....apparently if you didn't know me you would hate me, I'm too controlled and don't show enough emotion therefore I give off the message I don't need anyone because I've got it all figured out. And I talk at people instead of talking to them. HOLY SHIZ are you serious?  It came from three different sources within a 4 week time period so I thought I better sit up and pay attention. And the last fragmented piece of feed-back came today through a friend of a friend who didn't want to say anything directly to me, but she thinks the above pictured child is always screaming and has a runny nose, because he has food allergies, and I should really work on that.  Things that make you go hmmmm. After thinking and thinking and thinking about this...and a really great conversation with my husband and another great conversation with my sister.  If you think any of the above and you are reading this blog you can go STICK IT....
 no really I am kidding.  
I'm ok with feedback, but I am also wise enough to know that feedback is coming through THEIR filtering system which is based on THEIR life experiences.  My life experiences have made me who I am.  I grew up with an alcoholic father that put us in some super crazy situations.  I don't know many others that can say their Dad has pulled a gun on them, tried multiple times to commit suicide, been in and out of jail, cheated, I've said in previous posts, the man had some good traits but lead a scandalous life. Then to top it off I landed myself in a relationship with a gay seminary teacher that told me every day he didn't desire me,  that's not only a whole blog post by itself, it could be a small novel.  Then I put together a somewhat normal life and along comes Sport.  How many ER visits?  How many surgeries...and still health problems I don't have answers for.  All of which equals, OK I'm a control freak, I've had enough out of control, that when CALM comes along I am going to milk it for all it's worth.  As for having "it" figured out.  I have moments where I don't have anything figured out, but this I can say, I am happy, I am at a spot in my life where I am really really happy, and I hope it goes on for a long long time.  I have been blessed with the best partner, companion, aka husband I could ever ask for. I think He is my best decision EVER.   I have really great kids, and family and even friends who usually like me.  The one adjustment I will make is that I am NEVER going to give advice or FIX  or give FEEDBACK unless the person asks for it. (immediate family exempt)  And the next time you see a shiny happy person, cut them some slack, know that there is a real person under there with real feelings, who has probably been through some pretty REAL stuff, don't hate them, get to know them.
I gotta go do my kids homework now.
If you actually read this're the bomb and I love you!


07Nielsens said...

Love you Mel!!!!! After spending a week with your kids I know you ROCK at being their Mom!!!!!!! I thought it was normal for kids who are either in school, or have siblings in school to always have a runny nose? If it's not then kids must be allergic to the air around them, or something. I love your Shiny happy face! And any feedback I get from you! :);):)

Katherine said...

You better have it all figured out because you are always my first phone call - I rely on you having it figured out!
Love you.
P.S. Oregonians are way less judgmental ( just saying there is a house behind me for sale )

Matt said...

"I am NEVER going to give advice or FIX or give FEEDBACK unless the person asks for it. (immediate family exempt)" LOL! Glad you threw that last part in there, because I was going to raise my BS flag.

chic chaos said...

I think they all need a delivery of Exlax cookies w/a note that says they can kiss your a#%! lol~ They won't bother you after :) Luv ya!

Kim C. said...

To know Mel is to Love Mel. The person must not know Mel very well.