Thursday, September 1, 2011

I think it was the shirt

My day was going as planned. I was working while Bubba was sleeping and noticed I had missed a call from my brother. Funny how a 20 second little message can change your entire day.
It's Game Day (GO UTES!). I dressed my entire family in their UTE gear this morning. Myself, I was sporting a new UTE shirt that is black with a sparkly U logo on the bust. I was feeling good not 'hot' but good in my new t-shirt.
That 20 second little message was my brother saying they had taken my Dad to the ER. The ER was a zoo today. I was there from about 2:45 to 8:30 And somewhere around 6:00 I really needed a diet coke. I noticed a group of fireman - EMT had come into the ER. I'm not one of those girls that has a thing for fireman. I dated two briefly and found them a little strange. BUT these three were cute. I wandered out to the hallway to see where in the world I could find a soda, I asked the nurse, she turns to the EMT and says 'will you get her a drink'. He looked at me smiled and said,
What would you like?
Diet coke.
In a cup
Over ice?
He was my new Bff! Did I mention I was wearing a cute shirt with a sparkly U on the bust BUT I didn't do my hair today, it was on top of my head in a messy bun and my make-up had pretty much worn off. Which means I think the shirt saved me.
More on my Dad tomorrow.
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

1 comment:

Katherine said...

Nice humility.
I don't doubt the shirt was the cherry on top - but I lived with you during dating season.
Messy bun and no make-up and you've still got it!
(remember the chapter entitled drinking from the fire hydrant?)