Oiy!!! Has it really been 16 years? I think I'm breaking the silent blogging rule of only posting decent pictures of yourself
because those are some darn ugly bangs on me!!! Saturday night I attended the
Viewmont High Dance Concert. Our awesome director is retiring and then did several alumni pieces. I watched those girls and I simply couldn't believe that was me 16 years ago. The thought ran through my head; Is the future where I thought it would be when I was 18 and dreaming of life after graduation? Am I living the dream? The answer is yes. There have been some bumps along the way, but I am on track and basically where I thought I would be. The days are not perfect and I am not filthy rich but I am rich in blessings of all kinds.
NICE!!!!! You haven't aged a BIT!!!
that is awesome! I love flashback pictures!
Who are you kidding - you are one of the best looking ones in the photo (nice tan) and you still are! I'd love an updated photo of everyone. It's hard to believe that it's been 16 years, until you look at that photo and cringe. I think we are old when our HS photo's look so dated!
What a hot Vikelle you were...
Love the bangs.
This is so funny! I love it! I was on the drill team in high school, but no way will I ever show pictures!!
Somehow I know Jana. Did she go to Timpview? (have I already asked you this?) And then my sister had a baby in Orem and I swear I saw her picture on the wall. Am I nuts?
So I left you a comment yesterday, but I had a feeling it didn't take somehow. Sure nuff...
So this is what I said...
I loved this picture! I was on the drill team, Go Chandelles! But no way would I ever post a picture!
AND...I think I went to TImpview with your sis in law Janna. ANd then my sister had a baby in Orem last month and I swear her picture was on the wall at the hospital??!!
Am I nuts??
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