I would love to be posting about how wonderful General Conference was and how I feel inspired to do more, be more, love more, be a better being...that's not how the weekend went.
Let's start with expectations. I love General Conference. I think it is divinely inspired to get 2+ Sundays a year (including Stake Conference) that are different. Usually these Sundays involve getting to leave town without having guilt about your Sunday job and watching church on TV with food and family around. Not to mention there are awesome conference talks. So how did this not happen?
It started with good intentions. The plan was the Cabin with my extended family. Then I looked at the calendar. hmm Master had football Thurs, Fri and game on Sat. Soccer on Fri and Sat. Don't these coaches know this is Mother of all weekends UEA and Conference. We stayed home and my family went to the cabin. bummer.
Next we tried to stay home and do 'fun things' by Saturday afternoon I wanted to auction of my kids to the lowest bidder. No one could agree on what to do. Sport kept yelling for Cherry Hill because he doesn't understand it's closed. And my 'stay-cation' seemed to consist of making meals, cleaning them up and doing laundry. Thursday night I took Master and Princess to the movie 'Cloudy with a chance of meatballs' Master and I loved it. Princess kept crying she wanted to leave because there were no Barbies or Princess in the movie. We went up to Snowbasin on Friday and that was pretty but there was lovely arguing in the car about who was watching what show etc. etc.. We tried going bowling Friday afternoon and Sport kept yelling NO to everything, saying he wanted fries from Donalds and picking up other people's balls and throwing them down adjacent lanes while I had my back turned. This tends to screw up their game. Meanwhile Indy was on his cell with stressful business calls. I do have to note I didn't go into the weekend in the best mood. Stress at work is no fun to stress about on the weekends because there isn't a damn (excuse me) thing you can do about it. Saturday began the soccer and football thing and I kept promising the kids we would go swimming but by the time sports took over our Saturday there was no room for General Conference or for swimming. What is up with letting my 8yr old determine all my weekend plans? Lucky me I did get a date night with my hubby and neighbors Sat night (ok some guilt for not having Indy make it to Priesthood) but we had a good time. I woke up this morning in a semi good mood I made German pancakes which my kids decided they didn't like anymore. (They sure as heck liked them last week). Sport kept yelling for Eggs. Note about Sport. The skin of his butt crack has been bleeding for two weeks. This tends to make him even more stubborn and grumpy and he yells a lot. Heck if my bum was bleeding I would be grumpy stubborn and yell too. I made the kids stop and listen to the prophet but that lasted all of 2 seconds with Sport yelling he wanted football (he doesn't love conference) Princess wanting to play and Master telling me he was hungry every 10 seconds. Between sessions I dreamed of having a nap. HAHHAHA ya right. Kids were hungry, there were dishes to do and I made caramels because I needed to start prepping my Halloween treats for my offices. Afternoon session was much like the first. Sport started yelling, Princess wanted to play and Master was hungry. I finally hit the record button on the DVR and figure I'll catch it later. Thank heavens for the Ensign conference issue. After running to Ogden to visit Grandma we came home to my wonderful crock-pot roast and potatoes. My kids hate Sunday dinner, and would barely touch what I fixed. They would be thrilled if I made Top Ramen every Sunday. More dishes, scouting with Master, finding back-packs for Monday and getting kids in bed. Done right?- nope.... My caramels didn't turn out, I spilled dishwashing detergent on my hands as I loaded dishes, and while I took my aroma-therapy bath all I could smell was bleach on my fingers. Indy came in and talked about his stress at work and I tried on my new swim-suit that I bought for swim lessons and it wasn't as flattering as I hoped.
There is a book I love called "Alexander and the terrible horrible no good very bad day." I think I had a weekend like that. Now I do understand it wasn't really that horrible or terrible. I've experienced true horrible and true terrible and this weekend didn't come close. It just didn't turn out as I had hoped. The good news is there is always tomorrow. My work will be fine. Indy's work will be great. Sport's bum already looked better tonight as I put him in bed. I didn't get to partake in Conference as I hoped and I don't fill uplifted and edified, just slightly hormonal.
The truth is I am amazingly blessed. I have been given so much, and I am very grateful.